A Peak Into Our Dictionary

You get what you pay for- but what are you paying for? Here’s what you get for just $6 a month!

1. More than 16,000 videos.

ASLdeafined.com is regularly updated to add more to this already massive video dictionary, and every video is signed by a real Deaf individual. You aren’t just getting more… you’re getting the best!

2. Synonyms are listed on each video!

If there is another sign on the site that means the same thing then it will be listed below the video (shown below). Because we list these synonyms we are more likely to have the sign you are looking for!

3. You can slow down the video!

Name another sign language site that does that. This example features the lesson Verbs – 8.



4. With an account, there’s even more to do!

ASLdeafined users with full accounts can search signs by handshape AND location- They can even add these words to a list and review them all later for quick and easy studying before tests!

Try us out for FREE with our 3-Day Trial!