Deaf News This Week: Jameela Jamil Turns Down Deaf Role

Jameela Jamil as Tahani, right, in The Good Place

Jameela Jamil as Tahani, right, in The Good Place, via

Jamil Turns Down Deaf Role

Actress Jameela Jamil, currently on NBC’s The Good Place, recently refused to fill a role best fit for a deaf actress. Jamil tells the Press Association, “[I]t wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take that role and they should find a brilliant deaf woman to play that role. I think you have to make those choices and not be too greedy and make space rather than take space.”

Hollywood’s hiring practices have always been a grey area: Sometimes we get the good, and sometimes we get the bad. The Daily Moth points out that C.J. Jones’s role in Baby Driver shows a change in how Hollywood takes a look at deaf roles and actors. They also point out that progress is slow, citing Bryan Cranston’s latest role in a wheelchair (when he obviously does not have a disability). 

We look forward to seeing this upcoming mystery film, and who Hollywood decides should fill the deaf role.