We Teamed Up With No More Voicing for Online Classes!

Once upon a time we met a great friend trending on Twitter called No More Voicing. This awesome group is dedicated to equal access for all and making sure ALL videos have Closed Captions, as well as spreading ASL/Deaf awareness! What an awesome group!

No More Voices recently had a bunch of their following asking for personal sign classes online, and ASLdeafined came to help! Using their class, you would have access to a whole YEAR of ASLdeafined.com AND a qualified instructor that is there every step of the way!

Join their class today and get learning!

Facebook Post From No More Voicing:


Thank you for your interest in taking our 101 class. We have teamed up with a great website, www.asldeafined.com. This is where all learning would take place, so you will need to have access to a computer and the internet each week. You will be paying us through PayPal and then we will give you a code to access the website. DO NOT BUY THE CLASS FROM

Attached is a link to our syllabus explaining what the class will be about. By the end of this class you will know the basics of ASL, and be able to hold a conversation with a Deaf or HOH (Hard of Hearing) person.

The class is $40.00 and all materials are included. You will need a PayPal account to pay for the class. We hope you are interested. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at NoMoreVoicing@gmail.com

Here is a link to the Syllabus:

Thank you again!

No More Voicing

ASL Deafined


Check Out Both Out!

Facebook: @NoMoreVoicing
Twitter: @NoMoreVoicing

Facebook: @ASLDeafinedMI
Twitter: @ASLdeafined