Deaf News This Week: 1/15/2021


Deaf News This Week: 11/13/2020


Deaf News This Week: 9/25/2020

Check out the new monthly “At Your Fingertips” Newsletter!


Secrets, Secrets, Everywhere!!

Have you ever been in a situation where it felt like everyone knew something that you didn’t?  It was pretty uncomfortable, wasn’t it?  This is the world that Deaf people have to traverse every day.  They are surrounded by people having conversations, sharing information, telling jokes, and they are not included.  This can be an […]


Benefits of Learning American Sign Language (ASL)

There are a wide variety of benefits to learning American Sign Language (ASL). Some might think that there is no point to studying ASL if they are not deaf or do not know others who are. Would it stop you from learning Spanish just because you are not of Spanish decent or have no plans […]
