ASL Tip- Don’t forget your facial expressions!

American Sign Language is an amazing and expressive language- but if you don’t “show it” your signing will fall flat! Let’s take the sign for HAPPY, for example. If you don’t sign it with a smile then you may convey a sarcastic tone. Try it like Mindy! Your facial expressions don’t just provide context, they […]


Non-Manual Markers in American Sign Language (ASL)

We recently received an email from a student about the use of non-manual markers.  This person wanted to know how non-manual markers are used in American Sign Language.  Does ASLdeafined show the use of non-manual markers? Non-manual markers include the use of facial expressions, body language, head movements, eye gazes, etc.  For example, if you […]


It’s All in Your Face!

American Sign Language (ASL) has many unique attributes that helps signers with the understanding of expressed thoughts and ideas, such as the usage of facial expressions.  Now, not everyone will have their “face” (facial expressions) on all of the time.  However, the more expressions you exhibit, the greater the chance your message will be understood. […]
