ASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 11/16/2018 LEAD-K Announces Partnership with AG Bell Association On Future Bills The LEAD-K campaign, which aims to eliminate language deprivation for deaf children under the age of six, is now working with the Alexander Graham Bell Association in future bills- and not many people are happy, it seems. The […]
ReadmoreASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 11/9/2018 Two Deaf Candidates Win Offices in D.C. Politics is quite the topic as of late but a few candidates are determined to make changes- and they’re deaf! First, Robb Dooling won a Commissioner seat in the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) in Washington D.C.. This area includes Gallaudet University. Dooling […]
ReadmoreASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 11/2/2018 Bernard Bragg, The Father of Deaf Theatre, Dies On Tuesday, October 29th the first American Deaf actor, Bernard Bragg, passed away in the company of his loved ones at the age of 90. Dear friends, including Marlee Matlin, will miss him dearly and remember his legacy: Bernard Bragg was […]
ReadmoreASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 10/26/18 Starbucks Opens “Signing Store” In D.C. The wait is over- the first official Starbucks “Signing Store” opened in D.C. on Tuesday on 6th Street & H Street, not far from Gallaudet University. This “Signing Store” is the first of it’s kind in the States resulting from a successful endeavor […]