ASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 8/17/2018 “Born This Way” To Show #DeafOutLoud Special A&E is preparing to add another disability to the spotlight in their hit show Born This Way, broadcasting a special dedicated to the lives of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals. A quick look into this special (shown in this video here) fills us with […]
ReadmoreDo you know anyone who… is taking an ASL class? has a Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing coworker? recently had a deaf child? wants to become an interpreter? With ASLdeafined you learn at your own pace with real Deaf Community experts, have access to our growing 16,000+ ASL video dictionary, and will be the first to access our […]
ReadmoreToday is World Teacher’s Day and you all know just how much we LOVE our teachers… but do you know why our teachers love US? 1. Easy Lesson Planning ASLdeafined is already organized into four levels to help keep consistent curriculum throughout your ASL program, and each lesson consists of around 20 vocabulary words (with […]