Hoy grew up in Ohio and attended the Ohio School for the Deaf after contracting meningitis at the age of three. While owning a shoe repair store and playing baseball on the weekends for his local team, he was the third deaf player to be picked up for the Major Leagues after signing with the […]
ReadmoreASLdeafined is dedicated to helping everyone learn American Sign Language, so we’ve worked with Groupon to bring the #1 Online ASL Curriculum right to your device! Click HERE to be redirected to ASLdeafined on Groupon.com!
ReadmoreNot everyone learns in a classroom, and Sign Language is a lot easier to learn when you can see it- right? That means that learning from a bunch of papers isn’t going to help out much! Here’s a quick-guide to help you set up the #1 Online ASL Textbook fast and easy! Step 1: Sign […]
ReadmoreThere are many reasons that a person could decide to learn ASL, but one of the greatest benefits is being able to interact with the Deaf community. Naturally I can only speak from experience with my regional Deaf community, but it seems that there are some traits that are universal. Besides finding a group of […]
ReadmoreHave you ever been in a situation where it felt like everyone knew something that you didn’t? It was pretty uncomfortable, wasn’t it? This is the world that Deaf people have to traverse every day. They are surrounded by people having conversations, sharing information, telling jokes, and they are not included. This can be an […]
ReadmoreHelp! I see Deaf People! So now that you have some knowledge of ASL and Deaf Culture, you will begin to notice more Deaf people around you. Yes, they have always been there; you are just now becoming aware of them. You may be thinking to yourself, “Self….what do I do?! Do I approach them? […]
ReadmoreDeaf people should wear contrasting colors in order for people to see their signs? Not necessarily. In general, this rule applies to an interpreter, or a Deaf individual that will be giving a presentation to a large crowd. As you can guess, it is usually easier to see signs with a solid, contrasting background when […]