Deaf News This Week: 1/8/2021


ASLdeafined Newsletter – Study Tips, Girls Scouts, & More

ASLdeafined Weekly Newsletter – 8/10/18   Studying with ASLdeafined Whether you’re a newbie to our site or a seasoned senior, you’ll definitely be able to take advantage of some of our best study tips this week! Learning American Sign Language can be easy and fun if you focus and learn one sign at a time. […]


I Can’t Find This Word! What Should I Do?

  We have a truly massive dictionary on our site- but what happens when you can’t find a word? After typing in the word you are searching for it will pull up potential matches and synonyms. If the word isn’t available you can request it- no really! It’s that easy! For a visual step-by-step, take a […]


5 Things You Didn’t Know About Our Dictionary

Our dictionary, consisting of THOUSANDS of videos, holds a few hidden secrets:   1. Sign variations and synonyms are shown at the bottom of each video. We have links to sign variations right at the bottom of the video! You can also find synonyms here.   2. You can add words to a list for review […]


6 Study Habits To Help You Ace That Final!

Let’s face it, we could use all the help we can get. Here’s some helpful tips to study better for that test! Make a schedule– there’s plenty of time between Netflix shows to study. Have a quiet study space. This means turning down your music too. Clear your mind of noise and clutter for the best […]
