The impressive and growing popularity of American Sign Language is sweeping the nation and schools are desperate to keep up with student demand- but are they choosing the best curriculum? Ask yourself these questions: 1. What materials are used? A standard ASL curriculum includes some books and few DVDs with demonstrations of ASL at […]
Readmore“I have all this homework due Monday but the book is… well it’s a book. It’s hard to know if I’m signing correctly! I just started the semester and I’m already behind! What should I do?” -AnonGirl We found this common problem on a forum recently- A lot of ASL curricula these days use two-dimensional […]
ReadmoreHello fellow teachers. Are you ready for another school year? At ASLdeafined, we are ready to help you make it a WONDERFUL school year. We just added teacher plans to all of our 200+ lessons online. Everyone that has a teacher account will be able to view the lesson plans, which are directly above the […]
ReadmoreOur dictionary, consisting of THOUSANDS of videos, holds a few hidden secrets: 1. Sign variations and synonyms are shown at the bottom of each video. We have links to sign variations right at the bottom of the video! You can also find synonyms here. 2. You can add words to a list for review […]
ReadmoreJenna took some time to show you guys some LGBT-friendly signs! Take a Look!
ReadmoreA Quick History of the LGBT Flag Gilbert Baker was recently portrayed in Dustin Lance Black’s When We Rise and is the creator of the iconic LGBT flag and it’s proud rainbow. The original flag had eight colors, and is shown in the photo to the left: This particular flag stretched over two kilometers of Key […]
ReadmoreAs an interpreter, many questions are asked by the general public. Which some are shocking to me. And, looking back, it shouldn’t be so surprising that people who are not familiar with Deaf culture I wanted to share some of these questions with you… Are you Deaf? This question gets asked a lot. It is […]
ReadmoreMost deaf children have deaf parents? False. Only 10% of deaf children have deaf parents. The remaining 90% have hearing parents. These children are more likely to attend a public school with a mainstream program, have an amplification device, and rely on oral skills, or Signed Exact English, as opposed to ASL. Working with a […]
ReadmoreAs you work through American Sign Language lessons and read up on Deaf Culture, it is important to remember that deaf people have a sense of humor, too! Whatever aspect of deaf life you may be exploring, you should never forget to treat deaf individuals the same way you would your own friends and family. […]